FOXES on JUST Magazine

Marco De Luca and Anton Köck have been interviewed by the Austrian on-line magazine JUST, where they have explained the potential of nanosensors for environmental monitoring and the vision of the project FOXES. Below an English translation of the original article (in German) Nanotechnology to monitor buildings and the environment Scientists at the Materials...

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Synergies under the sun

The projects FOXES and GreEnergy have become partner projects! Both projects aim at realizing fully integrated systems for harvesting and storing solar energy, to enable smart devices that never need to be charged from an external power supply and  do not depend on batteries. The projects differ however in their technological approach: while FOXES...

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Kick-off meeting of FOXES

The Kick-Off meeting of the project FOXES took place on Tuesday, October 20th, 2020. Because of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, the kick-off meeting took place in a purely virtual form. Despite the online format, it has been a lively and fruitful meeting, with all partners looking forward to the cooperative work ahead....

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Project Press Release

FOXES: developing a zero-emission, portable energy supply for autonomous devices The European Commission has recently approved the project FOXES – an acronym for “Fully Oxide-based Zero-Emission and Portable Energy Supply” – which aims at realizing a zero-emission energy supply system for powering wireless devices for the Internet of Things....

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